
When it comes to talking about Foxcroft’s influence on their lives and careers, 我们的校友有很多话要说. We’ve been asking those who come to the girls' boarding high school — whether it be to make a presentation, 让他们的女儿入学, 或者参加一个99499威尼斯信誉别的活动——分享他们的想法. 以下是他们的一些回答:


家乡: 肯塔基州列克星敦  目前国内: 亚99499威尼斯信誉兰大,乔治亚州
耶鲁大学, 历史); FlightSafety International (Commercial Multi-engine pilot and Flight Instructor ratings)

我的经验: 我一直很擅长学习, but Foxcroft helped me grow into a well-rounded person by encouraging participation. The small classes and living with your teachers and peers didn't leave anywhere to hide for a shy person like myself. You end up being drawn into things you never thought you might try, and liking them! The culture of participation in 福克斯/猎犬 spills over into all aspects of life at Foxcroft, where you know you are always supported by your community and teammates.

底线: I firmly believe my confidence to explore, fail, and keep trying came from my time at Foxcroft.


家乡: 佛罗里达州棕榈滩  目前国内: 休谟,弗吉尼亚州
美国大学, BA, Elementary and Special Education; George Mason University, 应用行为分析证书

我的经验: 在短学期的一年里. (Sally) Uhle [then Dean of Student Life] taught a class in child development. 我喜欢它,并对儿童发展着迷. 这是我的毕业设计, I volunteered at Children’s Hospital and was the first teenage volunteer in the Burn Unit, 我认为. 主管说:“这真的很难. 这不是你想去的地方.” 

底线: 教自闭症儿童很困难,但我喜欢. 我喜欢改变行为.

Traci L. 科林斯,1989届毕业生

家乡沃伦顿,弗吉尼亚州  目前国内: 雷斯顿,弗吉尼亚州

我的经验: Though I believe I came to Foxcroft with a fair degree of independence and confidence, 我在威尼斯彩票游戏的经历无疑增强了我的能力. I learned to refine my means of speaking with people to better engage, challenge and learn. I learned to acknowledge other perspectives and find common ground in order to develop closer bonds. The close interaction with teachers deepened my knowledge in areas that I knew I was interested and invested in, 在一些我很难理解的领域. 

底线: These are huge advantages as you enter the world, no matter what path in life you choose.


家乡:叙利亚、沙99499威尼斯信誉阿拉伯、英国  目前国内: 华盛顿99499威尼斯信誉区
乔治华盛顿大学(BBS, International Business); 美国大学 (MS, Finance); Columbia University (MS, 新闻)

经验: One of the main ways in which Foxcroft shaped my interests was through English class, 即使当时我的写作能力很差. At Foxcroft, academics really pushed me to think and to explore my own creativity. 我永远不会忘记坐在英语课上, 日复一日, and engaging in conversation with the teacher and other classmates about the latest book that we had been assigned to read. It was the time when I learned 一个 of the most important things about myself: That I love to write and read!

在99499威尼斯信誉, 我把写作当成一种爱好来追求, 但这很快就影响了我的职业. 当我在银行工作的时候, 例如, I became a market analyst so that I researched and wrote market reports for a living.

我无法想象我的生活, 无论是职业上还是个人兴趣上, 中间没有字. And I give Foxcroft a good chunk of the credit for teaching me this about myself.


家乡:伊斯顿医学博士  目前国内: 伊斯顿博士

虽然我仍然记得在课堂上学到的一些具体的教训, I am most guided by the organizational skills I learned balancing school work, 额外的活动, 学习时间, 还有休闲时间. I believe Foxcroft is where I became good at multitasking while remaining confident everything would get d一个, 我已经尽我所能了.

底线: 当我在威尼斯彩票游戏的时候,我不知道我想成为什么! 知道你是谁, 你想成为什么样的人, 你给工作带来了什么99499威尼斯信誉点, and how you balance your job with your other duties is what is important. 威尼斯彩票游戏是我最基本的生活经验.


Visual Artist; Adjunct Art Instructor, Howard (MD) Community College
家乡:弗吉尼亚州厄珀维尔  当前的城镇:弗吉尼亚州里士满
Education: Denison University (BFA); The Pennsylvania Academy of the 美术 (MFA)

我的经验: It was largely during my time at Foxcroft when I discovered my strengths and was encouraged to pursue them. 我和同学们受到鼓舞,要有远大的梦想. 所有的成就都值得庆祝,挫折都是暂时的. There was never a felt sense of limitation — we were led to believe that anything was possible if we were determined. 这种哲学, 还有一个支持你的家庭, 为我的视觉艺术家生涯提供了框架.

During my junior year, my art teacher encouraged me to consider pursuing art at the college level. 我认真考虑了她的建议, and completed a six-week AP art program at Skidmore College that summer. During Interim of my senior year, I interned at an art gallery in Rhode Island. From that time forward, I had complete confidence in my career direction.

Foxcroft’s greatest gift to me was providing a nurturing environment where I developed a strong sense of self. I’m grateful for the confidence that was afforded to me by an all-girls environment during my most impressionable years.


家乡弗吉尼亚州尚蒂伊  目前国内:威斯敏斯99499威尼斯信誉,CO .

我的经验: Foxcroft prepared me very well to enter an industry that is dominated by men. 我从来都不是 一个 在一群男孩中对数学和科学感兴趣的女孩, so I learned confidence in my abilities and never questi一个d my capability due to my gender. 一旦比例颠倒过来, 我可以保持这种自信,在这个行业中保持自己的地位, 经常, 我是房间里唯一的女人.

My advisor introduced me to a classmate’s father, who was a mathematician and entrepreneur. A few months later, he thought of me when there was an opening for an intern at his company. I learned a great deal there and made connections that led to future internships and jobs. The specific technical skills that I learned in that internship landed me my first job out of college, 太, 是什么让我走上了现在在谷歌的梦想工作之路.

底线: 我来威尼斯彩票游戏时是个非常害羞的人, 害怕孩子, and by the end of my time there I was leading clubs and even served as Student Head of School.


老板 & Operator, Springledge LLC Farm; Grand Prix rider
家乡:弗吉尼亚州平原地区  目前国内: 平原,弗吉尼亚州

我的经验: 上大学的时候,因为威尼斯彩票游戏,我的职业道德走在了前面. Being in a boarding school atmosphere and having had a chance to be more independent made a difference. A lot of students in college had trouble getting their work d一个 and turning assignments in on time. 这对我来说不是问题.

骑 was a huge help because I had to be so organized to get everything d一个. 我经常做得更多——我想全得A, because I was g一个 for these long periods of time and I wanted the respect of the teachers. [顶尖的大三学生, Sloane participated in the 非凡的能力 program at Foxcroft, 在冬天和其他时间里,在校外训练和比赛.]

底线: 威尼斯彩票游戏肯定会安排你上大学和毕业后的生活.
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北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, 包括大学先修课程和创新的阀杆项目. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观威尼斯彩票游戏.